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bay area lesbian archives

2022 - 2023, Graphic Designer & Archivist
Why the archives exist

Founded in 2014 by curator Lenn Keller, BALA was established to safeguard Bay Area's diverse lesbian history. Envisioning a tangible and digital archive, Keller and a dedicated team of women actualized a resource that highlights the community's significant contributions to the Bay Area and California.

My work

Working with the Bay Area Lesbian Archives for the past 2 years, I spent the summer of 2022 completely redoing their logo, website, and visual identity. Collaborating with director of the archives, I designed an updated logo based on historical lesbian associations, and created a working color scheme and font choices for future graphics. I reworked the entire website with the new visual identity, added hundreds of newly scanned images, and created newsletter templates. For the many pride events they attend, I designed and printed business cards, brochures, and stickers.

Archival Work